Louise Livingston

Louise Livingston

Louise Livingston first developed an interest in understanding children through her work as a counselor for abused children with the UK charity Childline. She gained her Montessori diploma at the 3-6 level at the Maria Montessori Institute in London and worked for many years in Children’s Houses latterly running one of the Maria Montessori Institute’s own exemplar schools. Louise is presently Director of Training at the Maria Montessori Institute in London. She is also the coordinator of the AMI faculty delivering Montessori training in China and has been training Montessori teachers in China since 2011. She is an AMI Examiner and school mentor and lectures both in the UK and internationally. She is also on the council of Montessori Education UK, the body responsible for running the UK Montessori schools’ quality assurance scheme. Louise is managing editor of the AMI parent support initiative Aid to Life and has been responsible for co-writing and editing all the audio visual and printed resources, as well as overseeing their translation into multiple languages. She has recently received a MSc in Educational Neuroscience, having submitted a dissertation exploring the interplay between Executive Function and engagement in activities in a Montessori Children’s House, and is now undertaking a PhD.