Judi Orion

Judi Orion

Director of Pedagogy

Judith A. Orion, M.A., Director of Training, holds the AMI Early Childhood (3-6) diploma and received her Assistants to Infancy (0-3) diploma at the first AMI training for that level, given in Rome. Judi has conducted Primary and Infancy Montessori classes and is a trainer, examiner, and consultant at both levels. She conducts teacher training internationally and is a national and international seminar presenter at Montessori conferences. Judi is an adjunct faculty member of Loyola University in Maryland. She was also Director of Training for the first 0-6 AMI Diploma course. Judi has held numerous positions at AMI serving as a board member, and on both the Training Group and Scientific Pedagogy Group.  Judi is Head of AMI's Training Division and has overseen the enormous expansion of the AMI Training of Trainers programme.