Ann Velasco

Ann Velasco

Ann Velasco is an AMI Primary Trainer and has been the Director of Training for the Southwest Institute of Montessori Studies since 2014. She conducts Primary level teacher-training during both the academic year and in a summer course format. Ann has also helped to deliver courses in Costa Rica. Ann has served as course examiner; she conducted the Assistants workshop at the AMI Refresher Course in 2017. Ann’s first introduction to Montessori was as a child.  Her mother was a Montessori teacher, and so Ann had the benefit of a Montessori Children’s House education. Ann holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and Business Administration from the University of Arizona and a Master's Degree in Education from Loyola University of Baltimore. She holds both Primary and Elementary Diplomas from the Association Montessori Internationale. Ann taught in both primary and elementary settings before completing the AMI Training of Trainers program. In 2021 she joined the AMI Training Group.